I’ve been tagged!
Four jobs you have had in your life:
ohh geez.. i've had 25 million
1. photo lab
2. bakery.. yummm
3. silkscreening shop.. sounds fun but wasn't.. boo
4. dental technician.. presently..4.5 years.. whoo-hoo.. a record!
Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. american movie
2. anchor man
3. amelie
4. fire walk with me
Four places you have lived:
The only places I’ve lived are:
1. Rochester,NY
2. Pittsburgh, PA.. one month count ?.. it sucked.
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Forensic files
2. hauntings
3. that 70's show
4. sylvia browne on montel
Four places you have been on vacation:
1. vegas
2. san fransisco
3. new york.. does sleeping in the back of a car or on the sidewalk
in a rainstorm in brooklyn count as vacation..yuk!
Four websites I visit daily:
1.myspace.. i need to find better things to do
2.a plethora of blogs
Four of my favourite foods:
1. sweets like creme brulee and chocolate milkshakes
2. rice and beans
3. grilled cheese and tomato on rye
4. tofu made many ways
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. montreal
2. in a beautiful loft in a nice city
3. france.. hrmm.. maybe
4. TOKYO!!
Four bloggers I am tagging:
Queen lime green
you’re it!